Friday, May 7, 2010

Well yesterday was OK it was my birthday,I went to the mall and got something at Starbucks. When I got back I got in a argument with one of my housemates.Then at 7:30 I went to poetry slam it was really cool I just watched.So after poetry slam I get home and go in my bedroom go to my droor to get some food and that all of it is gone. I really don't know what happened after that all I know is that there was some cussing and some yelling. Wouldn't be mad if they would have told me but they didn't so that made me more angry. I ended up having to go to girls one and spend the night just cause I threatened to kill her but I would never touch her I don't want to go back to juvi. Two things that makes my birthday suck is I just got 15 minute check ins and i might loose that and that i might get on restriction. So basically my birthday sucked!!!

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